Services and Therapies

Fairwinds offers a range of services and psychological interventions catered for the specific needs of our clients. We offer psychological assessment or single session therapy, psychodynamic counselling therapy, brief (time limited) counselling therapy, and future-focused coaching techniques (solution focused, goal setting techniques) Cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness can be accessed via an onwards referral.

Below is a breakdown of these services and therapies, but please do contact Fairwinds to arrange an assessment.

An initial assessment will be offered for all of the services which Fairwinds is able to provide. This is an opportunity for you to start to explore what you are currently experiencing and how this is currently impacting on you and what you would like to achieve. This is a 90-minute appointment including time for record keeping. This time will be used to assess and understand your difficulties in more detail and then decide collaboratively with you which type of psychological intervention best suits your needs for the challenges you are facing at this time.

Questionnaires: brief questionnaires will be used to understand your presenting difficulties. These are also used as a way to measure improvement; not only for the therapist, but also for the client(s) to see the progress they have made. These are always given at the beginning and end of treatment.

Risk Assessment: a full risk assessment will be completed by the therapist to ascertain any risk factors and work with you to devise a suitable safety plan .

So, how does it typically work?

In SST appointments can average between  60 to 90 minutes, the therapist will focus on your strengths and skills, and then help you identify and practice things you can do now to get yourself unstuck.

SST uses principles similar to cognitive-behavioural and solution-focused techniques , both of which are intended to help you to identify the problem and solution enabling you to draw upon your own skills and resources.

“Rather than looking at what negative thoughts and behaviours might be causing your issue, we will look at what positive ones could solve it,” says Ceri

Psychodynamic therapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy, focuses on a client’s unconscious processes and helps the client to understand how these may be manifesting in a person’s present behaviours or relationships. The goals of psychodynamic therapy are to increase a client’s self-awareness of their ‘self’, patterns of relating and understanding of the influence of the past on the present.

A psychodynamic approach is exploratory in its nature this enables the client to examine unresolved conflicts and symptoms that arise from past relationships but may be present in the here and now.

A central aim of the psychodynamic approach is to help the client to become more aware and to bring unconscious feelings into consciousness. The therapists role is to help clients to gain a deeper  understanding and insight into aspects of themselves previously unknown. This is achieved by bringing unconscious processes, resistances, defences, conflicts and feelings to the surface in a safe and compassionate manner.

Due to the nature of this work it can be a longer-term commitment, and often over a period of months, delivered weekly/ fortnightly in 50-minute sessions.

Brief counselling is time limited in its approach and is a 50 min session. It is an approach which supports the client to move forwards with a specific or focused problem which they will be supported to establish during their initial assessment.
Sessions will work up to 6-12 sessions with a review session at session 4, at which point the goals you have set for therapy can be reviewed together. Clients often like to have an end point in sight, which is something which can be worked towards if this is a more suitable approach for you.

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is a semi-structured, IAPT-approved brief (16 sessions) psychodynamic therapy for mood disorder. Initial studies of DIT suggest its effectiveness with individuals in primary care with symptoms of anxiety and depression. DIT offers an opportunity to talk about those day-to-day feelings and behaviours and to understand what might have contributed to becoming depressed. A key focus for a DIT therapist is to help patients explore, and draw their attention to, a recurring pattern in their relationships.

Dynamic interpersonal therapy seeks to help you to: be more able to reflect on thoughts and feelings have a clearer understanding of yourself and others be able to recognise and take responsibility for your behaviours around others feel more confidence with relating to others and managing relationship difficulties be more able to sustain intimacy with others experience better moods and less anxiety improve your ability to see options and make good choices.

Coaching techniques are practices and strategies used to help clients, team members and mentees learn new skills and achieve goals. Successful coaching techniques develop trust between a coach and their coachee, encourage open communication and motivate the coachee to learn and develop.

Motivational Interviewing

5 Ways to Wellbeing

From Problems to Solutions

Managing Your Worries

Stress Management

Resting Well

Cognitive behavioural therapy known as (CBT) can help you make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into smaller parts and is an evidenced based treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.

In CBT, problems are broken down into 5 main areas:

  • situations
  • thoughts
  • emotions
  • physical feelings
  • actions

CBT is based on the concept of these 5 areas being interconnected and affecting each other. For example, your thoughts about a certain situation can often affect how you feel both physically and emotionally, as well as how you act in response.

CBT differs from many other psychotherapies because it’s:

  • pragmatic – it helps identify specific problems and tries to solve them
  • highly structured – rather than talking freely about your life, you and your therapist discuss specific problems and set goals for you to achieve
  • focused on current problems – it’s mainly concerned with how you think and act now rather than attempting to resolve past issues
  • collaborative – your therapist will not tell you what to do; they’ll work with you to find solutions to your current difficulties

If you are interested in this approach then please enquire within as a referral can be made on to a specialist therapist:

Fairwinds can provide experienced Clinical supervision which has a number of benefits for therapists:

  • It can help therapists to manage the personal and professional demands created by the nature of their work. This is particularly important for those who work with people who have complex and challenging needs – clinical supervision provides an environment in which they can explore their own personal and emotional reactions to their work.It can allow the therapist time to reflect on and challenge their own practice in a safe and confidential environment. They can also receive feedback on their skills that is separate from any managerial considerations.
  • It can be one part of their professional development, and also help to identify developmental needs and enhance skills and competencies . It can contribute towards meeting requirements of professional bodies and regulatory requirements for continuing professional development (where applicable).

It can be difficult to find the time to prioritise and focus on developing a meaningful mental health and wellbeing strategy for your organisation or to keep up to date with the latest mental health information.

Fairwinds can offer consultation to organisations or individuals to support the assessment of needs, challenges and areas of good practice within your company . Following our assessment, we can analyse our findings together and discuss our recommendations and how these can be embedded within your company.

Fairwinds has 15 years experience of  delivering training within a mental health setting on all aspects relating to mental health and wellbeing , clinical assessment, formulation, and the therapeutic skills used in most modalities. We have delivered training in identifying and promoting positive change with either individuals, teams and the wider organisation.

We are available to discuss your needs and tailor any bespoke training days  specific for your company, team or organisation.

counselling cornwall

“A trigger is the connection between the conscious mind and a buried painful memory”

© Copyright 2020 Fairwinds Cornwall Limited, 16 Kenstella Road, Newlyn, Penzance , TR18 5AY. Company number: 12781077. Website by Nigel Pengelly