
Working in Partnership: to deliver mental health and wellbeing support to the fishing communities in Cornwall

Fairwinds Cornwall works to deliver quick access to mental health and wellbeing support for fishermen in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

With funding we are able to provide regular outreach visits to local ports in Cornwall as well as deliver bespoke training events.

We work very closely with other agencies within the fishing industry to ensure that we are able to deliver a joined-up approach.

Fairwinds Cornwall is able to provide free therapeutic support to our fishing community in Cornwall, this includes access to an initial assessment and referral into psychological therapies team if appropriate.

If you are a fisherman or close family member and would like an appointment please contact

Phone: 07934 720429 Email : TALK@FAIRWINDSCORNWALL.CO.UK

How Seafit has helped local fishermen.

“Seafit a brilliant project, a resource for fishermen surely needed. You don’t see many old fishermen, it’s work, retire, then expire, all down to life choices. Work hard, play hard, fun at the time but it doesn’t add up to a long and healthy lifestyle”

GP support Fairwinds
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land to sea
© Copyright 2020 Fairwinds Cornwall Limited, 16 Kenstella Road, Newlyn, Penzance , TR18 5AY. Company number: 12781077. Website by Nigel Pengelly